The FAKTR PodcastSeptember 06, 202400:38:51

#88 - Body Mechanics and Beyond: Crafting a Sustainable Manual Therapy Practice with Dr. Ti Pence, Part 2

How to Optimize Your Body Mechanics in Manual Therapy with Dr. Ti Pence

In today's episode we wrap up our two part series titled "Body Mechanics and Beyond: Crafting a Sustainable Manual Therapy Practice" with Dr. Ti Pence. In Part 1 we learned about the importance of alignment and conservative force generation techniques when performing joint manipulation. We also talked about the key "red flag mistakes" that can quickly lead to overuse injuries resulting in 'above the belt soreness' and can develop into career-ending injuries over time.

Today, Dr. Pence will teach us his 90-90-90 rule for shoulder, elbow and wrist positioning. We will also learn the optimal way to configure your treatment space for maximum efficiency and comfort and why it is important to be able to generate force through fluid, balanced movements.

Key Themes in Today’s Episode: 

  • Common mistakes in performing manipulations and techniques leading to injuries

  • How to use proper form to prevent injuries and role of relaxation and palpation in generating speed

  • Why you should avoid Mediocrity and the need for Specialization in Chiropractic Care

  • Why you should mastering specific techniques and counter techniques

  • How to Prevent Injuries and Optimizing Force Generation in Chiropractic Manipulation

  • Trusting sensory input and honest feedback rather than relying solely on assumptions when performing techniques

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Learn more about new certification in Rehab, Clinical Nutrition, Dry Needling, Acupuncture and more here:

body mechanics,dr. ti pence,manual therapy,manual therapy practice,healthcare providers,physical therapists,physical therapy,sports therapists,sportschiropractic,chiropractors,chiropractic,clinicians,body mechanics with ti pence,